Many have sought sanctuary here and found relief from the stresses they face in their daily lives. Some have come to heal themselves or their relationships, some to heal the family, and some to better understand their children who are struggling and not living the lives their parents believe is possible. We are all influenced by the people in our lives, therefore a family and systemic focus continues to be the foundation of therapy provided at the Center. Even individual therapy has, as part of healing, often the need to understand ones’ history in their family of origin and place in current relationships. We are social beings, and social connections are often the cause of our hurt and at the heart of our healing.
Individual Therapy: When struggles in life are viewed as personal and private, time alone with the therapist is often seen as desirable. Individual therapy provides the safety of confidentiality and the opportunity to speak openly and freely about personal concerns with unrestrained emotion. A request for individual therapy will be honored at the practice.
Couples Therapy: Adult relationships can be difficult. A couple is defined as two adults attempting to manage their personal and intimate relationship, and hoping to find each other again in a way that allows for healing. You and your significant partner are welcomed at The Center.
Family Therapy: It is said, and is in fact one of our guiding principles, that “healing happens in relationships”. Another principle is that whenever one family member suffers, the family unit suffers as well. However you define your family (partners, married with children, blended, or multigenerational), you will find safety and acceptance here as your therapist helps you break down walls, recover from hurt, and find ways to make reconciliation. Families are encouraged to come together as families to seek healing.