In March 2016, we initiated our first Forum for Change at the Center for Counseling Services. It was created to offer school counselors, SAC’s, nurses and child study team members the opportunity to meet monthly to identify and discuss issues that are both important and relevant. We have evolved to a more inclusive “Open Forum” in large part because we have expanded our invitation list to all educators and support staff, mental health practitioners and those from the community who are interested in the well being of children and families.
We recognize the need to support professional staff in their roles with children, adolescents and families. Whether at the elementary, middle or high school level, we are aware of the increasing expectations for counselors and others to address issues of stress, anxiety, self-injury, suicidal ideation, bullying, and poor school performance. Many have shared with us that it is often overwhelming, and that they feel more and more isolated in their work. Let’s do something about that.
What are the concerns and issues affecting your professional practice? What are the persistent uncertainties or challenges that you would like to see resolved? Perhaps we can help. Forum for Change offers you the support you’ve been searching for to change and improve your work.
Open Forum meets every month on the third Thursday from 3:30-5:00 pm at 850 Bear Tavern Road, Suite 305, West Trenton, NJ 08628. If you are interested in attending, simply contact us by phone (609-771-0444) or email ( and include your name, professional role, and your school district, organization or affiliation in the message.
This is important work. Come join us in the Open Forum and share with others. We look forward to hearing your unique perspectives and positively impacting our communities together.
Next Meeting Dates:
Time: 3:30 – 5:00 pm
•January 17, 2019
•February 21, 2019
•March 21, 2019
•April 18, 2019
•May 16, 2019